Unleashing the Power of Intangible Assets: The Rise of Intangible Technologies

May 18, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving world, organizations often struggle to optimize their intangible assets, which cannot be physically touched. Frustrated by this challenge, Intangible Technologies was born. This blog post delves into the journey of understanding how software works and leveraging its principles to extract value from intangible assets such as people, patents, and research and development (R&D).

Challenging Traditional Management Styles:

Organizations have long operationalized themselves around tangible, physical manufacturing styles of management, which do not fully capture the value of intangible assets. Recognizing this gap, I have applied software principles to intangible assets, revolutionizing the way organizations operate.

The Operating System for Organizations:

Through my consulting work, I focus on operationalizing these principles within organizations. However, not content with merely applying this work externally, I have condensed my expertise into an overarching system. This system serves as an operating system for organizations, providing a new foundation for our economic system, considering the prevalence of intangibles in the modern world.

The Complexity of the Idea:

Admittedly, the concept may sound grandiose and inherently complex. However, it aligns with the thinking behind Digital Transformation. Similar to the art of using new technologies to rethink legacy processes, my approach challenges us to incorporate our values and principles within the evolving landscape of technology.

The Backstory:

To truly understand the origins of Intangible Technologies, it is important to know the backstory. From an early age, I have been deeply immersed in new technologies, always driven to comprehend their inner workings. This hands-on experience led me to work in various technology roles, tackling the toughest problems for renowned companies like GE and P&G.

Finding Success in Business and Challenges in Engineering:

Throughout my career, I discovered that my greatest successes came in business-related roles, where I could leverage my diverse skill set. However, I encountered challenges in engineering-specific positions, where limitations on technology use restricted my potential.

The Discovery of a Financial Irregularity:

During an audit of GE's primary financial systems, I made a groundbreaking discovery—a significant financial irregularity. This discovery introduced me to a technology that held the potential to remedy the issues at hand: blockchain.

Embarking on a Journey of Product Management:

Motivated by this newfound passion, I embarked on a journey into the art and craft of product management. This journey exposed me to the world of agile management and the optimal operationalization of software teams.

The Cost Efficiency Dilemma:

As I implemented efficiency improvements in software development, I realized that traditional organizational structures did not effectively account for these advancements. This discrepancy led to inflated costs of production, hindering the recognition of efficiency gains.


Intangible Technologies represents a paradigm shift in organizational management, focusing on extracting value from intangible assets. By incorporating software principles and challenging conventional thinking, we can revolutionize how organizations operate in our modern, technology-driven world. With an operating system designed for intangible assets, we can unleash the full potential of our economic system, driving innovation and efficiency to new heights.